Meet the Members

Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are experts in their lived experiences. They can speak to the challenges displaced people face and the contributions they make to their communities.

Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are available for media interviews, talks, workshops, panels, and more.

Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Lucky Karim

Lucky Karim is a Refugee and Human Rights Activist who has worked for a Number of International Humanitarian organizations and supported INGO to translate the needs of her community. She is also a young leader who works closely with Government officials and Policy makers on the Rohingya crisis and Burma more broadly.

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Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Pyae Sone Aung

Pyae Sone Aung is an author and human rights and refugee advocate. He believes in the power of informed dialogue to bring about positive change and is committed to sharing his story and expertise in those conversations.

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Nominate yourself or someone you know to become a member of the Collective. We accept nominations on a rolling basis and will be in touch for an initial interview.