Meet the Members

Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are experts in their lived experiences. They can speak to the challenges displaced people face and the contributions they make to their communities.

Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are available for media interviews, talks, workshops, panels, and more.

Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Halima Hamud

Halima Hamud is the founder of Circles of Excellence, a grassroots organization advocating for skilled immigrants. She is also the host of the Voices Unveiled podcast. As a resilient refugee leader, her work, advocacy, and personal ambition all revolve around ensuring that refugee and immigrant communities have access to resources that uplift and build their power. She earned a Master’s degree in Development from the University of Minnesota. Halima is an Idaho native.

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Nominate yourself or someone you know to become a member of the Collective. We accept nominations on a rolling basis and will be in touch for an initial interview.