Meet the Members
Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are experts in their lived experiences. They can speak to the challenges displaced people face and the contributions they make to their communities.
Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are available for media interviews, talks, workshops, panels, and more.
Claudia Rojas
Claudia Rojas is a poet, community advocate, and communications professional. She is passionate about social justice and the environment. She loves libraries, gardens, and volunteer opportunities.
Kendra Frith
Kendra Frith, born in Jamaica, is an asylum seeker and Senior Engagement Officer with Rainbow Railroad. Her decade-long commitment to human rights has focused on empowering LGBTQ+ individuals affected by homelessness and forced displacement. Kendra continues to dedicate herself to creating a world where everyone can live authentically and without fear.
Radwan Ziadeh
Radwan Ziadeh is a Senior Fellow at the Arab Center, the founder and director of the Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies in Syria; and co-founder and executive director of the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Washington, D.C, an author, an activist, and holds a MA in Democracy and Governance from Georgetown University and MBA from William and Mary. He enjoys traveling, coaching, photography, and spending time with his wife and children.