Meet the Members

Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are experts in their lived experiences. They can speak to the challenges displaced people face and the contributions they make to their communities.

Members of the Refugee Storytellers Collective are available for media interviews, talks, workshops, panels, and more.

Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Matilda Issata Sawie

Matilda Issata Sawie is the Refugee Congress Delegate for Pennsylvania, the Refugee/Immigrant Tuberculosis Screening Coordinator at the Philadelphia Department of Public Health, and is completing her Master’s in Public Health. She is passionate about raising awareness for domestic violence, climate change, and refugee rights.

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Mawda Boulad

Mawda Boulad is a motivational leadership speaker and a young leader passionate about driving positive change. She is pursuing her degree in medicine, and advocates for refugee and immigrant rights.

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Muntaha Alhindi

Muntaha Alhindi is a social worker and advocate working for the Middle Eastern Immigrant and Refugee Alliance. She is deeply committed to making a positive impact and embracing multiculturalism.

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Nejra Sumic

Nejra Sumic is the National Field Manager for the We Are All America Campaign and the Arizona Delegate for Refugee Congress. She is fluent in English, Spanish, Bosnian, and several other dialects, and is proud to serve her community.

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Olivé Bukuru Kabura

Olivé Bukuru is passionate about public health and education, which inspires her professional and volunteer work in her community. She provides free evidence-based health education on topics such as diabetes, heart disease, and vaccines, and helps her community better understand ways to protect themselves and live longer, healthier lives.

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Peace Izabayo Nibagwize

Peace Izabayo Nibagwize is a mental health social worker and a passionate advocate for policy change. She enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, and cooking for the people she loves.

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Pierre Uwimana

Pierre Uwimana is a Refugee Organizer with the Florida Immigrant Coalition. He enjoys reading, riding his bike, playing with his children, and learning more about investment opportunities.

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Pyae Sone Aung

Pyae Sone Aung is an author and human rights and refugee advocate. He believes in the power of informed dialogue to bring about positive change and is committed to sharing his story and expertise in those conversations.

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Radwan Ziadeh

Radwan Ziadeh is a Senior Fellow at the Arab Center, the founder and director of the Damascus Center for Human Rights Studies in Syria; and co-founder and executive director of the Syrian Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Washington, D.C, an author, an activist, and holds a MA in Democracy and Governance from Georgetown University and MBA from William and Mary. He enjoys traveling, coaching, photography, and spending time with his wife and children.

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Rose Mayan

Rose Mayan is an Immigrant Rights Organizer with Michigan United and Michigan United Action, as well as a council member of the Michigan Immigrant and Refugee Council. She is a strong advocate for treating refugees with dignity and respect and believes that while refugees are not voiceless, they often need support to amplify their voices.

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Rwamucyo Karekezi

Rwamucyo Karekezi is the Refugee Community Organizer for Church World Service Lancaster. He enjoys playing soccer, advocating for his community, and learning how to balance American culture while maintaining his own culture.

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Sara Louis-Ayo

Sara Louis-Ayo is the Policy and Advocacy Organizer at the Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrants. She is deeply committed to social justice, advocacy, and community health, with a particular focus on the health and well-being of refugees and immigrants throughout all stages of the migration process.

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Sharon Njie

Sharon Njie is an Adjunct Professor at the School of Business alongside doing her Ph.D. with the Nelson Mandela School of Public Policy and Urban Affairs at Southern University and A & M College, the Refugee Congress Delegate for Louisiana, and the Communication and Strategic Partnership Director at the Louisiana Organization for Refugees and Immigrant. She enjoys traveling, cooking, learning new skills, and interior decoration.

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Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Shyam Rai

Shyam Rai is an Intensive Housing Case Manager in North Dakota. He enjoys spending time with his wife and son.

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Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Sophal Ear

Sophal Ear is a professor of diplomacy and world affairs at Occidental College. He enjoys walks, badminton, movies, reading, board service, and parenting.

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Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Tara Dhugana

Tara Dhungana is an employment counselor and a proud father and husband. He is interested in community work and advocacy.

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Refugee Storytellers Collective Refugee Storytellers Collective

Teddy Al Muktady

Teddy Al Muktady is a passionate advocate for LGBTQ+ Muslim youth around the world. Through sharing his personal journey, Teddy aims to foster a sense of pride and belonging within the community, and is committed to social change and inclusive advocacy.

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Trinh Tran

Trinh is a first generation Vietnamese American and lawyer. She has over a decade of experience representing survivors of violence and persecution around the world, focusing on asylum, refugee resettlement, humanitarian parole, and family reunification.

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Nominate yourself or someone you know to become a member of the Collective. We accept nominations on a rolling basis and will be in touch for an initial interview.